
His Excellency Prof. Beyene Petros, Professor of Biomedical Sciences, was appointed by Prime Minister Abiy Ahmed (PhD) as the 5th Director General of FDRE Policy Studies Institute (PSI) starting January 6, 2022. Professor Beyene was born in 1950 in Hadiya Zone Southern Ethiopia. He earned his BSc degree from the former Haile Selassie I University in 1973. 

Professor Beyene Petros has won many international and national awards and gold medals for his public engagement, academic achievements, and research leadership. He has published nearly 120 peer-reviewed scientific articles in peer-reviewed journals and co-authored a very popular book on Basic Principles of Biology.


Conduct high quality research and policy analysis


Knowledge dissemination, exchange & dialogue platform


Build professional competence and capacity of institutions


Research, policy and strategy issues

Who We Are

Policy Studies Institute (PSI) is a policy think tank engaged in:
  • Economic, social and governance research and policy analysis
  • Bridging research and policy
  • Capacity building
  • Knowledge dissemination and exchange and
  • Consultancy

Goals and Objectives

The goals and objectives of PSI are to:
  • Conduct high quality and objective economic, social and governance research and policy analysis
  • Disseminate research outputs and results
  • Build professional competence and capacity of Ethiopian research and beneficiary institutions in economic, social and governance policy analysis and research
  • Respond to research and policy needs of the government and the economy from short to medium and long-term perspectives
  • Serve as an effective platform for knowledge dissemination, exchange and dialogue

Our Principles

In seeking to achieve its objectives and goals, PSI is guided by the following principles:
  • To the extent possible, research engagement is need-based and responsive
  • It aims to undertake research in a scientific mindset,
  • PSI carries out its activities in partnership with diverse national and international partners and stakeholders to ensure quality and relevance and strengthens national capacity
  • PSI and its partners strive to work in close collaboration with stakeholders at national and regional levels in identifying research areas and policy issues as well as disseminating outputs of the studies

Establishment and Mission

PSI was established in November 2018 by the Ethiopian government with the mission to:
  • Conduct rigorous research and policy analysis that provide knowledge-based inputs to policy making and policy implementations, and
  • Disseminate its research outputs and findings to the policy and research community, academia, the development community and other stakeholders.
PSI was established by merging two state-owned think tanks, EDRI and PSRC, whose backgrounds are described as follows
Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI)

Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI)

Established as a semi-autonomous institution with Council of Ministers Regulations No. 54/1999 in August 1999, the objective of the Ethiopian Development Research Institute (EDRI) was to undertake studies and research on the development of the country. Upon its establishment, the research areas EDRI used to focus on was Agriculture and Rural Development; Macroeconomic Research and Modeling; and Microeconomic and Sectoral Development. It later expanded its emphatic areas by opening additional research centers to form five research centers: Macroeconomic and Trade Research Center, Agriculture and Rural Development Research Center, Micro &Sectoral Development Research Center, Environment and Climate Research Center (ECRC), and the Ethiopian Center for Child Research (ECCR). The institute also had a full-fledged policy analysis unit, Economic Policy Analysis Unit (EPAU).
Numerous studies and research projects had been conducted by the institute. Most of these had been disseminated to stakeholders by way of publication and presentations on workshops, seminars, conferences and discussion forums. The institute had also been contributing in the policy arena. To mention few: it had played a significant role in advising government on price inflation management and on establishment and operation of the country’s commodity exchange;  it had taken an active part in the government’s endeavors to modernize the trade sector through the realization of a modern wholesale trading system; it had supported the formulation of Ethiopia’s second Growth and Transformation Plan (GTP II) and was supporting the implementation of its Climate Resilient Green Economy strategy (CRGE);
Policy Study and Research Center (PSRC)

Conducting high quality and objective economic research and policy analysis.

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