
Ato Teferi Tiyaru

Deputy Director General


Economic Affairs Policy Study and Research Cluster

The Policy Study Institute was established with the primary mandate of conducting study and research and initiate policies and strategies. It was established with the mission to conduct policy studies and researches in order to formulate, propose and advise on policy and strategic issues essential for the development of the country. This sector is structured in to the following research centers:
  • Macro Finance and Trade Policy Study and Research Center
  • Industry, Urban and infrastructure Policy study and research center
  • Agriculture and Rural Development Policy Study and Research Center

Study Centres

Agriculture and Rural Development Policy Research and Studies Centre

Head of the Center

Head of the Center

Tadesse Kuma (PhD)
Lead researcher

Agriculture has been and will remain a way of life for millions of Ethiopians. The sector contributes about 33% of the GDP, employment for about 80% working-age population, 76% of the merchandise export earnings; 70 percent of input for agro-processing industries, and many others. Knowing its importance, the government of Ethiopia (GoE) has formulated and implemented large number of agricultural sector development policies and strategies. The major policy framework is based on the strategy of Agricultural Development-Led Industrialization (ADLI), which has been the central pillar of Ethiopia’s development vision since the 1990s. The Poverty Reduction Strategy Program (PRSP) was prepared and implemented in 2001, and the Sustainable Development and Poverty Reduction Plan (SDPRP) and the Plan for Accelerated and Sustainable Development to End Poverty (PASDEP) were formulated and implemented during 2002–2004 and 2005–2010, respectively. Since 2010/11, the government has implemented its third generation five-year Growth and Transformation Plan I (GTP I) in between 2010–2015. Currently, it has been implementing GTP II (2016-2020) which is an extension of the former. Since April 2018, the new government has formulated Home Grown Economic Reform (HGER) which bridge GTP II with the new Ten-Year Perspective Plans.

Industry, Urban and Infrastructure Policy study and research center

Head of the Centre

Head of the Centre

Amare Matebu Kassa (PhD)
Lead researcher

The Industry, urban and infrastructure policy study and research center is one of the research centers in FDRE Policy Studies Institute (PSI) under Economic Affairs Policy Study and Research Cluster. The IUPRC consist of three major policy research departments:

  1. Industry and Mining Policy Research Department
  2. Urban and Infrastructure Policy Research Department, and
  3. Tourism Development Policy Research Department

The center has identified nine thematic research areas (three under each of the above policy research departments). The major objective of the Centre is to conduct rigorous research and policy analysis to provide knowledge-based inputs to policy makers as well as implementers and contribute to for the socioeconomic development of the country (focusing on industrial, urban, tourism and infrastructure development). Specifically, the IUPRC will address the following specific objectives.

  • Setting policy research agenda that examine short, medium and long term industrial, urban, infrastructure and tourism development issues.
  • Assess the impact and identify gaps in industrial, urban and tourism development policies/ strategies and generate improved policy/strategy ideas for the sustainable industrial, urban and tourism development.
  • Organize forums, seminars, and consultative workshops to enhance policy study and research works and disseminate the research outputs.
  • Deliver a consultancy services to the stakeholders and actors in industrial, urban, and tourism development policy /strategy issues.
  • Build capacity of researchers continuously (lifelong learning) to enable them competent in research and policy analysis (especially in industrial, urban and tourism policy analysis).

In light of the existing challenges and reform measures, the government is undertaking the Industry, urban, and infrastructure policy study center aims to provide research-based policy recommendations to policymakers, government entities, and other stakeholders on manufacturing, urban and infrastructure development, mining, and tourism development areas. Therefore, the research departments (Industry and Mining, Urban and infrastructure, and Tourism development) focuses on the challenges to realize the national socio-economic development. The brief explanation of the above three policy research departments and their respective thematic areas are delivered as follows.

Major Accomplishments

Completed Policy Research Projects

Completed Policy Research Projects

Completed Policy Research Projects are:
  1. Study of Agro-Food Processing Industries in Ethiopia: Policy and Strategy Options for its Development (2015-2025)
  2. Study of Non-Food Agro-Processing Industries in Ethiopia: Policy Options to Strengthen and Expand the Subsector (2015-2025)
  3. Study of development of iron ore and metallurgy industries: challenges, prospects and policy/strategy options (2015 –2025)
  4. Development of Ethiopian Steel Industries: Challenges, Prospects, and Policy Options (2015 –2025)
  5. የሀገር ውስጥ የግል ባለሀብት በአምራች ኢንዱስትሪው ውስጥ የሞተርነት ሚናውን ከመጫዎት አኳያ ያሉት ተግዳሮቶች፣ ዕድሎችና የመፍትሄ አቅጣጫዎች
  6. Foreign Direct Investment in Ethiopia: Challenges, Opportunities and Policy Options for Effective Use to Stimulate Industrialization.
Policy Research Projects which are in progress

Macro-Finance and Trade Policy Study and Research Center

Head of the Center

Head of the Center

Tewolde Girma (PhD)
Senior Researcher

The Macro-Finance Policy Study and Research Center(MFPSR)  at the Policy Study Institute (PSI) aims to conduct excellent quality and rigorous policy-oriented research on the following thematic areas: Macroeconomy, Public Finance, International Trade and Investment, Logistics and Trade Facilitation, Domestic Trade, Monetary and Exchange Rate Policy, Financial and Banking Policy, digital economy, mortgage, social security and insurance. Studies in this area assess if economic growth targets are achieved in a stable macroeconomic environment, the financial system is prudent and digital, and the trade systems are efficient and can support the envisioned development outcomes. Thus, given the incoherent challenges of Ethiopia's economy, such as rising inflation,  persistent trade and budget deficit,  widening saving-investment gap, and tiny financial inclusion, the Macroeconomic and Finance Policy Studies sector aims to provide evidence-based policy recommendations to policymakers, government entities, and other stakeholders. The policy recommendations will contribute to stable and inclusive economic growth, strengthened and sustainable public finance, a vibrant export sector, insights that guide trade negotiations, an efficient domestic trade system, and a healthy financial system. The Centre has  11 full-time and two part-time staff within the four departments.

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